Anthology Of The Killer threads a very delicate needle, managing to somehow be incredibly funny while still making you fear for your life.
‘Just Crow Things’ Lets You Become a Troublemaking Bird
Just Crow Things is a very funny, silly game that’s full of quests and weird things to do. That and you can poop on people.
‘Core Trials’ Puts Your Physical Body Through a Bullet Hell
Core Trials puts you in front of a camera and makes you duck, dive, and dodge your way around an array of creative attack patterns.
‘DreadOut Remastered Collection’ Captures Eerie Ghost Photographs
DreadOut Remastered Collection sees you putting your smart phone to work taking pictures of ghosts to banish them before they get you.
‘A Home Below’ Helps a Hermit Crab Explore With Unique Shells
A Home Below has you playing as a little crab who needs to find different shells to move to new places within this underwater world.
‘Daemonologie’ Carries Out an Unsettling Witch Hunt
Daemonologie sees the player interrogating and torturing the people of a small village in order to root out a supposed witch.
‘Telegraphist 1920: Beats of War’ Brings Rhythm to Morse Code
Telegraphist 1920: Beats of War puts you in a highly intense rhythm game where you are sending morse code messages in a war.
‘Mashina’ Digs for Minerals to Improve a Robot-Filled World
Mashina follows a machine of the same name as she mines the earth for useful materials to use to take care of a community of robots.
‘This Is Not Your House’ Navigates a Frightening Home Theft
This Is Not Your House sees an older man having his house stolen while he’s out and you’ll need to help him survive the aftermath.
‘botsbotsbots’ is About Blending in With AI Chatbots
botsbotsbots casts you as a hacker trying to break into a corporation, but to do so, you’ll need to avoid detection from its AI employees.
Trailer Tuesday – l’été Froid: The Werewolves Cry
Trailer Tuesday brings lovers together across space, guides ninjas through thirty second battles, and walks among tsunami debris.